Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS): Understanding and modeling space-time Holocene climate variability

PAGES CVAS Working Group 2nd Workshop
25-27 October 2017
Potsdam, Germany

Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS): Understanding and modeling space-time Holocene climate variability

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Workshop participants are welcome to make their own arrangements unless notified differently. Invited speakers and participants receiving travel support will be accommodated at the Mercure Hotel Potsdam close to the main station.

Further rooms can be reserved here individually at a rate of 90 EUR/night quoting the keyword "PAGES Workshop".

Other recommended hotels include:

B & B Hotel Potsdam

Altstadt Hotel Potsdam

Arcona Hotel Potsdam

Filmhotel "Lili Marleen"

The aforementioned hotels have been recommended to us by former visitors. However, Potsdam is a touristic place, and there are numerous other hotels available (just check your favourite booking website). Given the generally rather high price level in Potsdam, it may be more affordable to also look for hotels in Berlin.
