Global Teleconnections in the Earths Climate System  Processes, Modelling and Advanced Analysis Methods

GOTHAM International Summer School
18-22 September 2017
Potsdam, Germany

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Global Teleconnections in the Earths Climate System Processes, Modelling and Advanced Analysis Methods

Topics and Goals

Organized by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the GOTHAM Summer School will train young scientists on a unique combination of interdisciplinary scientific topics and tools relevant for understanding teIeconnections and their role in causing extreme weather events. The school comprises of lectures as well as tutorial sessions by some of the worlds leading experts in this field.

Specific topics include:

* Global consequences of extreme El Nios,
* Mid-latitude weather extremes and the role of tropical, extratropical and Arctic drivers,
* Stratosphere dynamics and stratosphere-troposphere interactions,
* Internal variability and external drivers of South and East Asian monsoon systems,
* Interactions between global teleconnection patterns,
* Data management skills and the use of citizen science platforms (,
* Identification of teleconnections using complex systems or network methods.

The first circular can be found here.


The Summer School is intended to host 25 young researchers working in relevant topical areas, both from GOTHAM partners and external institutes. Registration is free-of-charge and accommodation expenses will be covered for all attendees. Limited funding is available to cover travel expenses of a few selected students. In addition to lectures and practical sessions, the school program will contain an evening poster session where all participants are invited to present their own research related to the school topics.


Reik V. Donner (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany)
Dim Coumou (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany & VU Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Efi Rousi (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany)
Chiranjit Mitra (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany)
Catrin Kirsch (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany)

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